Thursday, July 27, 2006


We arrived at the final National Park of the trip. A park with great beaches and an off-shore coral reef.

The hotel was nice and we had a pool and poolside bar. There was also an outdoor gym right out of the 1970s!

We headed (on a bit of a trek) into town for a look around and a bite to eat. The town was pretty small but has everything you might need, it even had internet laptops with a connection speed that wasn't too bad (although they looked well out of place).

We headed to a restaurant called Ediths a bit closer to the hotel and had some absolutely gorgeous Jerk Chicken and Garlic Potatoes. An older lady who we presumed to be Mama Edith came out to take our orders - it was quite funny as instead of walking around the tables she went through all the dishes asking for a show of hands - only when it was clear this method wasn't working did she try the more conventional approach of asking us one at a time. After dinner we headed back to the hotel and had a game of cards by the pool which was a good laugh.

The next day was a National Park day. Quite a lot of people went off snorkelling but when they came back said they had been a bit disapointed as the reef had been damaged by El Nino and had not recovered and was still smashed.

Entry to the park is by donation and once in there the beaches turn from black sand beaches into fantastic white sandy beaches. There are flags all the way along to show you where it's safe to swim. We decided to walk along the trail first to see what we could see - the answer was absolutely shed loads of monkeys. We got to one bit of headland and the monkeys were jumping around all over the place - they were great fun to watch.

(Awww cute sleeping monkey!!)

Next we headed back to the beach where we chilled out for the rest of the afternoon. On the way back to the hotel I purchased a fine pair of Haviana Flip Flops. The rest of the afternoon was spent by the pool. While we were around the pool someone told us about the sloth they had seen earlier crossing the powerlines right by the 1970s gym so we went to check it out. It was still there fast asleep - absolutely oblivious of us taking photos.

That night we headed back to Ediths but were dissapointed by the service. We think it was because there was no Mama Edith and her family were very slow when not kept in check - I received my potatoes as a dessert!!

Some of the group were annoyed because we weren't following the agenda as we were supposed to spend a night in Puerto Viejo a bigger town just down from Cahuita. I think because it was so close to the end of the trip I didn't mind too much.

The next day the group split as some of them wanted to go to Puerto Viejo to check it out whilst a few of us were happy just to head back to San Jose. Again it turned out I made the right choice here as it turned out that the hotel wouldn't let the guys store there luggage so they ended up catching the next bus to San Jose as they couldn't cart their packs around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sleeping sloth is cuter - Jen x

28 July, 2006  

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