Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Panajachel, Chicicastenango and back to Antigua

Panajachel is on the shores of lake Atitlan and has great views with three volcanoes - San Pedro, Atitlan and Toliman.

We checked into the hotel and went for a wander around - The wandering did not take very long though as we were caught in a torrential rainstorm - I've never seen such heavy rain - the streets were like rivers as all the water ran down into the lake - well I was lucky enough to grab a PC and thought I'd catch up on my mails - not to be though as it started thunder and lightening which knocked out the power.

Next day was brighter and nearly the whole group decided to do a boat trip around the villages. Our first stop was for breakfast at a hotel in a small village - from the hotel we could climb up to get views out over the lake.

Our next stop here was to a town called Santiago Atitlan. There were lots of souvenirs and local art to buy. The guide showed us the local market and it was like stepping into a different world - we looked well out of place.

We also learned that there had been a lot of people killed in massacres (including the priest) during the 30 year war (1966 to 1996) when we visited the church there.

After a stop for lunch (where you could have chicken, chicken or chicken!) we walked to the next town of San Pedro. We saw where they produce coffee and were taken to where they worship a local god called Maximon http://www.santiagoatitlan.com/Shrine/maximon/maximon.html. This reminded me of the god I had seen down the mines in Potosi in Bolivia. The people were all crowded around in a room and we had to make a donation to get in to see - they offered to do a cermony for more money which we all declined.

We stopped off for a quick coffee while the guide tried to call the boat around to collect us. While we were waiting the rain started again - luckily there was a plastic cover for the boat but the guide had to hold this to stop the water running back into the boat.

Well we got back to Panajachel and headed back to the hotel to get out of the rain. We ventured out to look for the Yukon Grill - an Alaskan Steak house which sounded a bit different but it was closed.

Next day the weather had brightened for our trip back to Antigua via Chicicastenango. We had private transport this time and I for one was glad not to be getting back on a chicken bus. I was not too exited by Chicicastenango as it was just a big market full of souvenirs which we had already seen everywhere else and which I no way to carry even if I wanted something. However I was impressed by the witch doctors stall selling armadillo and jaguar skin for different potions. As I wasn't bothered about the market I decided to check out the church to see if there was any chicken slaying going down, but all was quiet on the killing front just lots of people burning inscense out the front.

The bus then took us on to Antigua back to the hotel where we started the trip. It was nice to be back somewhere where you new the way around.

The next day was a free day which I used to chill in the park, do some laundry and Internet. The group changed here and I said goodbye to another room mate. We went out for our last group meal and on for a few drinks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

Did you have a good birthday?

Mel and I have now moved house, when you come home you must come and visit... we're now even closer to the local pub!

Charlotte and Mel

25 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No mention of the room mates?


25 July, 2006  

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