Sunday, May 21, 2006

Actun Tunichil Muknal

From San Ignacio I decided to visit the caves of Actun Tunichil Muknal. This was an absolutely brilliant day and I would definately recommend it.

We took a 4X4 about an hours drive away to the start of a jungle trek. We then trekked through the jungle for about 45 minutes - we had to cross streams and I was glad I had the trusty battle sandals - however they did not protect me from an ants nest which I stood in - it was the first time I´d been stung by ants and it was like being nettled - fortunately the next stream cooled my foot down and the bites quickly dissapeared.

We had some lunch at the entrance of the cave where they have a campsite. The caves themselves have been visited by National Geographic on 2 occaisions. They are unique as the artifacts and bones left there by the Myans between 600 to 900 AD have been left undisturbed, so when you see them, it is almost the same view as the first person to discover them would have seen.

It is quite entertaining though as you have to wear socks when walking around in the caves so as not to damage anything, however as you have to swim and wade through water and climb over rocks the sandals are also needed - thus giving the spectacular socks and sandals look (of particular interest no doubt to Paul and Antje!!)

Here´s a picture of the cave entrance - you actually have to swim in to the caves and you get given a helmet and lamp which you have to keep dry - we also opted to strap our T-shirts to the helmet which added to the comedy value of the outfit!

Well after swimming and climbing through the caves and admiring the stunning rock formation we climbed up to the chamber where the artifacts were:

As you can see they are strewn everywhere and you have to be very careful not to touch them. There are also bones and skeletons of people who were thought to have been sacrificed in the caves.

The caves are really earie in places and you can try and imagine some of the strange rituals - only the priests would go into the caves as all of the Mayans were terrified as they believed it to be the enterance to the underworld.

After spending almost 3 hours in the caves we emerged back into the sunlight before heading back to San Ignacio.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The socks and sandals is quite a nice look for you ;-)

24 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you would make a good geography teacher when you get back! keep educating me. broke my hand by the way.

25 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freaky - especially the sacrificial elements.

And what's with the different outfits?


25 May, 2006  

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