Sunday, May 07, 2006

Welcome to the jungle!

From Baños we headed out to Misahualli and the jungle. We stopped off on the way at an animal sanctuary - unfortunately it was pouring with rain but we still managed to see caymen, a boa constrictor, giant snails, a broken hearted parrot and various strange native rodents that I couldn´t translate.

In the town where we stayed before we went out to the jungle there was loads of monkeys running around - they were really funny to watch - they pinched a pack of cigarettes off the truck driver and sat up on the roof trying to eat them.

Next morning we caught these thin canoes out on the river which were really shakey - I was convinced they were going to capsize. The river was a tributary of the Amazon - we went quite a way down river before stopping at the walk to the first lodge. We all had to wear wellies and walked up a long path (in the secondary forest) to the first lodge. The guide was brilliant and pointed out loads of plants and insects and birds including giant ants which can paralyse you and parakeets. After lunch we went for a long walk in the primary forest (the real jungle) and saw lots more strange plants and insects including a real tarzan swing vine and some strange multi-coloured spiders.

The first lodge itself was luxury with a bar, electricity generator and all the cabins had built in bathrooms although we did have one particularly nasty visitor -

On the first night we also had a visit from a Shaman (medicine man). He performed a good luck ceremony on two members of the group which was intresting to watch as he whipped them with twiggs and spat his healing alchol mix at them (I was glad I hadn´t volunteered), he also did some cool chanting and whistling which was very catchy. I particularly liked his hat!!!

It was even funny to watch him change back into his jeans and trainers at the end.

On the second day we visited a family who lived in the jungle by the river. The guide showed us the face painting they do for weddings and special occaisions. We were also shown the crops they grow before being invited into one of their houses which was built on stilts.

We got to taste Chiche de Yucca which is like their beer. When we had all tasted it we were told that the fermentation process is helped by the old ladies chewing the Yucca and spitting it into the drink - lovely!!! Needless to say we didn´t try anymore.

Next we went tubin´ down the river in big inflatable tyres - it was great especially when we went over the rapids and loads of people fell out but I managed to stay a float. When we got back in the boat to head back to the lodge the guide spotted a big snake on the side of the river. It escaped up a tree above the boat so the guide decided to hit it with a stick (yep make the snake angry - always a good plan!)and cut the branches with his machette well you can almost guess what happened next the snake fell into the boat and all the girls (and some lads) were hysterical - one girl jumped right out of the boat - The snake got out of the boat before the guide finally caught it - he then told us it was non poisonous but I´ve included a pic for you to see.

I was really pleased that we got to see at least one animal up close (but maybe not that close next time!!)

The second night was spent in a different lodge. This one was not so luxury but it felt more like we were staying in the jungle as there was no electricity and we ate by candle light.

We got up bright and early next day to head back to Misahualli by the shakey canoes before departing for Quito our final destination on this trip.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

Am very surprised you didn't volunteer to be blessed by a medicine man dressed as a rabbit....

Seriously though, with all your blogs coming through recently, your travels sound really excellent... apart from that foul, oversized beetle... are there many spiders out there? I've had my run ins with huntsman spiders recently but I fear that you might encounter much larger cousins of the English webbed ones...


09 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that this trip has been fantastic for you, especially ending in the jungle.


09 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Seems to be a running theme of special hats and coats.

The prize for best facial hair is still up for grabs.

By the way, monkeys hate snakes and like pinching stuff out of bags. As an 'hilarious' gag, buy a rubber snake and leave it in an 'unsupervised' bag. Watch the little buggers squirm when they realise they've grabbed a snake...


12 May, 2006  

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