Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Cairns and Cape Tribulation

Next morning I started my Dive Course with the Cairns Dive Centre. The lesson started in the classroom and all was going well as we went through the theory and learned about the physics and the diving equipment.

It all went a bit wrong though when we hit the pool that afternoon. I really did not like the feeling of the tank air on my lungs. At first I couldn't sink down so needed more weights. Once I finally sunk to the bottom I couldn't relax and follow the lesson. So after a few attempts I decided diving was not for me - I was disapointed as I had been really looking forward to diving the Barrier Reef. The Dive Centre said that they would refund the cost of my course less a bit of money for the days training. There was an option to still do the 2 days 1 night live aboard course and go snorkelling instead but I decided it would be cheaper to do a specialised snorkelling trip - there would also be more chances to go to snorkelling sites rather than dive sites.

That evening I went into the local branch of Peter Pan Travel to find out about my diving course refund and find out if I could change my accomodation. It turned out that the manager of the Cairns branch was a right muppet - which was a shame as the girls who'd helped me with my booking in Adelaide had been really good.

He was basically saying that I might not get any money back because I did not have payment protection - I explained that the Dive Centre would refund the majority of the money, then he said he needed to send a request to the Adelaide branch at which point I wondered what I was doing there. I was getting pretty annoyed by this point and asked about changing the accomodation - he explained there was a no refund policy then proceeded to call up the hostel and list my complaints (which I'd already done) - the hostel manager allegedly agreed to move me to a 4 bed dorm so I left the shop feeling like I'd made some progress.

When I got back to the hostel I was told there were no 4 bed dorms. Eventually the manager turned up and explained I was in an empty 4 bed section of an 8 bed dorm. I moved anyway then decided I needed a night out to cheer myself up. I met up with some friends who were staying at Gilligans a luxury 5 star backpackers right in the centre of Cairns. We had a few drinks on their balcony before going to an Irish bar.

My next major event in Cairns was the Outer Great Barrier Reef Snorkel. It turned out to be a good deal - I went with a company called Sea Quest and there was only 6 people doing snorkelling on our trip (and a few divers). We had a pretty big boat all to ourselves. We went out to the outer reef to 2 separate snorkel sites. The weather was pretty cloudy in Cairns but as we got off shore it brightened up and the conditions were pretty good.

On the outer reef there were loads of fish and the colour and shapes of the Coral were pretty spectacular.

Back in Cairns I decided to go to a Reef Teach lecture I had heard about.

The lecturer Paddy Colwell was round the bend but he basically explained how to identify all the different groups of fish and coral types and what to look out for when you are on the reef. Although his style was mental it really helped you remember the information he was telling you. I knew next time I went snorkelling I'd be able to see and understand a lot more stuff.

After the lecture I checked out the Cairns night market.

My next trip was up to Cape Tribulation. I was picked up from the Beach House and headed North from Cairns to the Daintree River where we stopped for morning tea. We then had a cruise along the river banks to see what wildlife was about. We spotted a female croc which swam accross the path of our boat.

We met up with the bus that had crossed the river by ferry and continued on our journey. We stopped again for a Rainforest Boardwalk but we didn't see much - probably because we were such a big group and our guide was shouting all the time - he got into trouble from another guide.

There was a chance that we might see Cassowaries. These big flightless birds have been know to attack humans.

We stopped at Cape Tribulation Centre which consited of a shop and a campsite and hostel. We then continued even further up the coast to my accomodation - the Cape Tribulation Beach House. The setting for the accomodation was pretty good - jungle lodges spread over a large site heading down to the beach. On the beach front was a pool and bar / restaurant area.

I was just sitting down to lunch when the rain started - it was a torrential downpour which lasted for most of the afternoon.

There was a break in the rain so a few of us decided to go for a walk to a lookout. It was quite funny as every one was scared due to all the tales of Cassowary and Croc attacks. Luckily we survived.

That night I decided to do a Jungle Safari. This was not too good as we were such a big group - the guide was just a young lad and way out of his depth - he couldn't really answer many of the questions.

I'd hoped to see a few bats and marsupials but we mostly saw frogs, insects and spiders. We did see a scorpion caught in a spiders web as well as a few sleeping lizards though.

Next morning rain again. It brightened in the afternoon and I decided to walk to the village along the beach. It was a nice walk but I got a bit stuck when I had to wade through a creek. In the village I visited the Bat House and rainforest interpretation centre operated by volunteers where I got to meet Pushkin the fruit bat - he was quality unfortunately his wing was damaged and he couldn't fly.

I decided to walk back to the lodge along the road which was a bit of a mistake as it was a much longer route. However the rain held off and I still didn't meet any Crocs or Cassowarys.

Later that afternoon we explored the beach to the North of the Beach House. I ate at the restaurant before having an early night. I also managed to read Bill Brysons book Down Under in my time at Cape Trib.

Next morning rain again - we got picked up after lunch and everyone was keen to get back to Cairns. We stopped off for ice cream, at some lookouts and then briefly at Mossman gorge. There's normally the opportunity to go swimming here but because the weather was so bad we just had a bit of time to check out the gorge and the bridge.

Before we got back to Cairns we stopped at Port Douglass for a late lunch and a look around. Back in Cairns I checked into Gilligans 5 star backpackers - it was nice to have a bit of luxury after the beach house.


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