Monday, November 13, 2006

Perth to Broome Safari Part 2

Day 6 - Exmouth to Karijini NP

We left Exmouth where we stopped on the edge of a gorge for breakfast - the views were spectacular.

It was a long driving day as we headed towards Tom Price and Karajini National Park. When we stopped for lunch though and hopped out of the air conditioned bus everyone was shocked to see how much hotter it was - making and eating lunch was a much slower process as people tried to find shade. The guide reckoned we'd all turned into zombies!!

That afternoon we arrived at the mining town of Tom Price to pick up supplies (beer). There were some injuries to be treated from the beach the day before and two of the group went to hopital - we had to wait a while but just chilled out on the grass.

It was quite late by the time we arrived at our camp and we had to set up in the dark. It was the first time I'd seen a Swag, my bed for the night which we set out on top of a tarpaulin. Swags are basically a matress covered with a canvass bag that zips up around you leaving your face exposed - it has another cover you can pull over your face if it gets cold or the bugs bother you. Some of the group cooked Apricot Chicken on the camping stove.

I headed off to the toilet - or tin hut with a long drop toilet. The guide had said there might be Red Back spiders around the toilets and I thought he was joking. As I got near though I felt a web around my legs - I had not been pointing my torch down that low - I jumped back and shone the torch and fortunately could see the spider sitting on the wall - although still had to re-assure myself that nothing had gone down my hiking boot.

That night some of the group headed down into one of the gorges for a night swim. but slightly put off by my lucky escape from the spider and the fact that we were doing the same swim the next day I decided to turn in. The swag was actually really comfy and it was fantastic to go off to sleep looking up at the stars.

Day 7 - Karijini NP

The flies buzzing around my head and the ants woke me up bright and early - luckily they were only crawling around the swag and had not gotten inside.

After breakfast we headed down to Fortescue Falls and Fern Pool. Although it was quite early it was still quite hot and we were glad to get down the gorge and along to the falls. The swimming spot was perfect the water was clear and there was even a platform and ladders to climb out.

We walked back along the gorge to another pool for another swim.

Next we headed to the Visitors Centre and had lunch after a brief look around.

After lunch we went to Dales Gorge. This walk got a bit tricky in places and one of the girls slipped and hurt her leg. The area used to be used for asbestos mining and you could see the asbestos still in the iron stone rock (perfectly safe).

This huge boulder was also on the floor of the gorge.

There was also a section at the end of the section where we were allowed to walk where you could climb along a tree trunk and look down to a drop below. I got this shot from out on the log.

After a swim at Circular pool we walked back along the gorge and climbed back out. We then drove to a lookout where we could see Circular Pool from above.

Just before camp we went to the final lookout of the day Oxer Lookout, the junction of Weano, Red, Hancock and Joffre Gorges.

We set up camp just outside the National Park boundary at a spot where there was no toilets only a shovel.

We had some music playing from the bus and just sat and chilled out watching the stars and having a few beers over dinner.

Day 8 - Karijini NP - Indee Station

Next morning the flies woke me up again, but no ants this time.

(Note for this section I'm hoping to get some shots from some of the group as I didn't take my camera - one of the group actually dropped their camera in the water!!).

That morning our first walk was absolute quality. At Hancock Gorge we had to leave our backpacks and just wear our swimming stuff. There was lots of climbing including a ladder we had to climb down and a section called the spider walk where the gorge got really thin and you had to climb along using your hands and feet on opposite walls. At the end of the walk was Kermit's Pool where we swam before heading back out of the gorge for lunch.

Next we walked to the nearby Weano Gorge for another good walk. Here we had to take our shoes off and wade through the gorge then climb along to an area called the amphitheatre. Crossing the ampitheatre we walked through a narrow section of the gorge before we got to a handrail. You had to climb around the handrail to a rope ladder which you used to get down to Handrail Pool itself. It was another great swimming spot although it was a bit cooler as there was not much sun at the bottom of the gorge. There was a great jump you could do climbing high up the cliffs then jumping in the pool. Some of us went even further along the gorge with the guide.

We stopped off at one final spot for a swim - there were smaller pools with water flowing through them - the water was warm from the sun but the rocks around the pool were so hot.

We headed out of Karajini and I was sad to leave - I really enjoyed my time there, I think in part because I had no expectations of the place and no one had told me anything about it.

We had a bit of a drive to Indee Station - half a million acres of cattle station where we camped in a dry creek bed.

I helped gather wood for the fire when we arrived there and some brave lads in the group did a bbq on a hot plate over the fire - the steaks cooked in about 3 seconds each.

We were glad to have a shower after 3 days in the park as there was a shower block close to camp although it was quite a trek to get there.

We settled down in our swags after a very energetic day.

Day 9 - Indee Station to Broome

I was so glad I had a shower and shave that night as some of the group who had left it until the next morning found there was no water - one of the girls had left the toilet flush on and drained the water tanks!

We set off on a long driving day and passed through Port Hedland, then cross the Great Sandy Desert. We stopped briefly at Eighty Mile Beach but decided not to eat dinner as it was extremely hot and starting to get humid and there were loads of flies.

We hit a huge storm on the way too with loads of lightening and heavy rain - the rainwater even started running into the bus!! At one point the driver couldn't see a thing - I hope I don't see rain like that over the next few weeks when I'm camping!!

We arrived at Broome that evening and the group split between two hostels - the Kimberly Klub in town which i was staying at and another hostel on Cable beach.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic pics - the scenery looks amazing! The spiders - scary!

14 November, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was the beach accident then?

14 November, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't think dad would have made it to the toilet if he had come across a red back spider. You did well. Luv mam x

19 November, 2006  

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