Thursday, July 27, 2006

San Jose, Miami, Bogata, Quito, Lima, Santiago..

So off I set to meet Jen in Santiago (a 3 day epic adventure in itself!). Looking at my flight tickets I really couldn't remember how I'd ended up with such an indirect route to Santiago, Chile.

That morning I flew up to Miami, because the flight times had changes I only had 50 minutes to clear immigration, collect my bags re-check them clear security and get to the gate. Well after 25 minutes in the imigration queue and only one person processed, it was clear I was going to have to jump the queue. I explained to the people infront of me in a mixture of Spanish and English about the flight I was trying to make and they lat me through to the front. The immigration officer assured me I had plenty of time - I cleared customs and waited some more time for my bags with about 10 minutes to boarding. I cleared customs and raced to the re-check point - the woman there was quite helpful as there were bags everywhere - she asked her collegue if the bags would make the flight, but she didn't answer and just started another phone call - she shouted over the top of her call and the woman on the phone told us that it should be OK. One of the bagage handlers showed us a bag that was going to Bogata and I dumped the bag and raced off to clear security and make the gate. Well the queues for security were as big as those at immigration, but again the staff were helpful and put me in the express lane - at the end of the lane I ducked under the barrier and was caught by one of the security officials - he was OK when I explained why I was hurrying and got me through. I then realised I'd cleared at the wrong security point and according to the signs there was a 20 minute walk to the gate I needed. Well I covered the distance in under 5 and arrived at the gate just as the standby passengers were boarding. I arrived at my seat a sweaty mess - just as I arrived another woman arrived with a boarding pass for the same number and I was asked to move - I was asked to move again from my new seat two minutes later but refused and explained what had happened. I was allowed to stay there and breathed a sigh of relief as the plane doors closed - the flight was completely full.

I was already a bit nervous about my hostal booking in Bogata as I had not been able to check if it had been confirmed. So the plane arrived in Bogata but there was no sign of my bags - fantastic, they couldn't tell me where they were so I figured they must have stayed in Miami. I changed some dollars for pesos - a lengthy process where they even take your finger prints and hopped in a taxi.

I arrived at the hostal but my bad luck continued - I was given the address of a place nearby but the taxi driver said it was to close and not worth his while to go there. So I was on the streets of Bogata in the middle of the night not sure where I was going. Eventually I asked someone and they directed me right to the hostal. The room was basic but I was glad to get my head down.

I was up early next morning for a shower with no soap or shampoo and rang the airline office - they said the plane from Miami would be in at about 2pm and there was a chance my bags might be on there - well I was hoping as was not convinced they'd find their way to Santiago.

That morning I went off exploring downtown Bogata. I looked around the central square then headed to the Gold Museum. The museum was pretty good expecially the last bit where you go into a dark room in small groups. The doors close behind you and as the music plays and the lights light different parts of the room you realise that you are surrounded by gold ornaments built into the walls from floor to ceiling - there is even gold in the floor.

I left the museum and as I was worrying about my bags so headed for the airport. There was some footie on TV while I waited for the flight to arrive and I tried some of the World famous Juan Valdez coffee which was very nice (well at least I got to try one of Columbias famous exports!).

I spoke to the girls at the American Airlines desk and one of them escorted me through to baggage claims. The plane arrived and I was delighted when my bag turned up on the conveyor. I still had a problem leaving though as they wanted a customs form which I had given them last night - after some explantion I was allowed through and went to wait patiently for my next flight.

Although the next flight stopped in Quito we didn't have to get off the plane and I had checked my bags through to Santiago. I was nervous when it appeared to be too windy to land at Quito and the pilot ended up circling for about half an hour but finally landed. We got to Lima with no problems and I went straight through the connecting flight lane to the departure lounge. After another wait we boarded the Santiago flight.

I finally arrived in Santiago and had a two hour wait for Jens flight from Madrid. I was a bit worried when I saw that one of the Madrid flights had been delayed by 3 hours fortunately it wasn't hers and I was pleased to see her come through the arrivals gate.

There are so many shady characters in the arrivals terminal - I'm surprised that the government or airport don't do something to clean the place up. It's full of taxi and hotel touts who just make things up to get you to go with them. One of the taxi guys even stepped out from behind an official information desk and pretended he worked at the airport. Luckily we weren't taken in and took the airbus and metro to our hotel with a bit of a struggle as both of the packs were very heavy.

We arrived at our hotel the Hotel Fundador (Hof - for short!) which was a fantastic hotel right in the centre of Santiago - Jen had managed to get the rooms for half the normal price which was another bonus.


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