Sunday, September 17, 2006


In Christchurch my last stop in New Zealand I stayed in Stonehurst Backpackers a really nice hostel with a swimming pool. The weather was nice too and it definately felt like spring.

I walked around in the sunshine to get my bearings - I liked the place a lot better than on my first visit where it had poured with rain and the place had been dead.

On my first night there I had thought I'd be staying in but my new roomates were up for a night out so we headed out to some bars. We went to Iconic, The Grumpy Mole Saloon and Shooters before heading to O'Sullivans Irish bar. We found the bar as there was an actual leprechaun stood outside. The bar was really busy and we met a few more people - there was also live music from The Black Velvet Band.

Next day I dragged myself out of bed to check out the Art gallery, Market and botanical gardens before some Saturday afternoon drinking to get over that hangover!

We went to - Dux de Lux a good bar which brewed its own beer followed by The Bog Irish bar, The Bard on Avon (an English pub where I had lamb hotpot) then back to O'Sullivans.

The following day I decided to have a day off the beer and go to the Canterbury Museum.

The museum was OK and had exhibitions including:

- Moa Hunting by the early Moari settlers
- Hallett Station, Antarctica - buildings that had formed the Antartic base.
- A Christchurch Street
- A Japanese exhibit including a Samurai suit of armour.

Oh and this weasel...

On my last day in New Zealand I had one last look around Christchurch and climbed the Cathedral tower. I made some changes to my flights so that I fly from Cairns to Ayres Rock on 20th December and fly back to Sydney on the 23rd so I'll be there for Christmas and New Year.

Next morning I flew from Christchurch to Sydney and left New Zealand having had a brilliant time there. There's so much to do there and some spectacular scenary I'd definately recommend it to any one who's planning to visit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool weasel! Jen x

20 October, 2006  

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