Saturday, March 25, 2006

Tupiza - Bolivia

Well my first experiences of Bolivia were certainly an eye opener. Once we crossed the border from Argentina it was amazing how much things changed. Bolivia is a poor country and at first most of the roads we were travelling on were dirt tracks. They were supposedly building a new road on top of the old road and there were loads of diversions. It had been raining and at one of the diversions our truck got completely stuck in the mud. We all had to get off and luckily the truck made it out of the mud and up the hill under its own steam. There were also a lot of Bolivian truck drivers stuck but they were happy just to wait for the mud to dry out!!

We stopped off at Tupiza on the way to Patosi. The scenary reminded me of the wold west or a Road Runner cartoon. It was quite a small town and the whole group couldnĀ“t fit into one restaurant. It was St PatrickĀ“s and there is one Irish girl in our group who we helped celebrate (it would be rude not to!). We managed to find this Karoke bar (no Guiness though!) complete with glitter balls and shell suited clientel - top quality!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We want to see the pictures Phil - Jen xxxxxx

27 March, 2006  

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